Nofar Carmeli


I am a researcher, employed by Inria, at the Boreal joint project-team (LIRMM, Inria, University of Montpellier, CNRS) in Montpellier, France.
My research focuses on the theory of database query optimization.

nofar.carmeli at
(!) I no longer have access to my old email address at


My research interests revolve around the theory of data management, often using fine-grained complexity and enumeration complexity. My main line of research aspires to determine, for any given query that the user wants to compute over a database, what is an algorithm that runs with optimal guarantees. So far, I focused mostly on identifying the query structures that can be answered with near-optimal time guarantees. For a full list of publications, see Google Scholar or dblp.

Recorded Talks

Date Length Topics Venue
Video 15/11/23 28:45 Direct access for conjunctive queries with aggregation Logic and Algebra for Query Evaluation workshop, Simons Institute, Berkeley
Part 1 Part 2 25/09/23 1:15:00 Enuemrating answers to join queries, CQs and UCQs Fine-Grained Complexity, Logic, and Query Evaluation workshop, Simons Institute, Berkeley
Video 29/03/22 47:00 Invited tutorial: answering UCQs with ideal time guarantees (enumeration and related problems) International Conference on Database Theory (ICDT)
Video 22/06/21 12:29 Direct access to CQ answers The Symposium on Principles of Database Systems (PODS)
Video 02/03/21 48:35 Enumerating tree decompositions, enumerating answers to CQs with FDs, enumerating answers to UCQs, and random-order enumeration. The seminar of the Formal Methods group at LaBRI, Bordeaux
Video Slides 02/01/20 16:02 Random-order enumeration and UCQs TAU Theory Fest - Fine Grained Complexity workshop, Tel Aviv
Video 01/07/19 19:29 Enumerating answers to UCQs The Symposium on Principles of Database Systems (PODS), Amsterdam
Video 16/05/17 20:00 Enumerating tree decompositions The Symposium on Principles of Database Systems (PODS), Chicago

Professional Background


STACS PC member (2025), PODS proceedings chair (2025), WEPA PC member (2024), SWERC programming contest judge (2023-2024, 2020-2021), PODS PC member (2024, 2023), ICDT test-of-time award committee member (2024), BDA PC member (2023), ICDT PC member (2022), PODS publicity chair (2021), Dagstuhl seminar collector (2019).


ENS Paris, 2021-2022

Postdoctoral researcher at the Valda (Value from Data) joint project-team (DI ENS, ENS, CNRS, PSL University, Inria).

2021-2022 Schmidt postdoctoral award.


Technion, 2015-2020

Thesis: The Power of Implicit Acyclicity in the Enumeration Complexity of Database Queries. Advised by Prof. Benny Kimelfeld at Technion Data & Knowledge Laboratory.

2019-2020 Google PhD Fellowship.

2019 Summer research internship working on the Extreme Reading project with Megagon Labs.

2019 Visiting researcher at the Factorised Databases group at University of Oxford.

2018-2019 Jacobs Excellence Scholarship.

2016 Summer engineering internship with the Cultural Institute front-end team at Google Paris.

2015 Summer engineering internship with the Live Results back-end team at Google Haifa.


Faculty of Computer Science, Technion, 2013-2019

Combinatorics for CS: lecturer (summer18, summer17), TA in charge (winter16, winter15, spring15), TA (spring16, spring13).

Workshop in Competitive Programming: TA in charge (spring19, spring18), TA (spring17, spring16).

Logic for CS: TA (winter19).

Data Structures 1: TA (spring14).


Technion, 2011-2015

B.Sc. in Computer Science. Graduated summa cum laude.

Member of Lapidim excellence program.

2014 Built an Android app for EyeControl to helps locked-in individuals communicate using eye movements with Hello World NPO & Prize4Life.

2013 Built a prototype of real-time hand detection applied to a Pong game on a Samsung Beam cellphone with GIP lab.

2013 Exchange student at University of Toronto.

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